Death and Hugging

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And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes;
there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.  There shall be no more pain, for the former
things have passed away.

Revelation 21:3

There is a day appointed for every believer when we will see Jesus with our own eyes. We will no longer walk by faith, but we will walk by sight. We will literally be able to fall at His beautiful nail-scarred feet and worship Him. We will look into those loving eyes without shame because we have been forgiven. He will be with us, caring for us, wiping away every tear and removing every hurt. We will experience the tender touch of a loving Savior. Knowing the blessings that await us, gives us encouragement to persevere. It gives us strength to toil through the night because we know daybreak approaches.
David Peterson, former pastor at the First Presbyterian Church in Spokane, Washington, told about a time when he was preparing his sermon. His little daughter came in and said, “Daddy, can we play?” He answered, “I’m awfully sorry, Sweetheart, but I’m right in the middle of preparing this sermon. In about an hour I can play.” She said, “Okay, when you’re finished, Daddy, I am going to give you a great big hug.” He said, “Well, I’ll look forward to that. Thank you very much.” She went to the door and (these are his words) “Then she did a U-turn and came back and gave me a chiropractic, bone-breaking hug.” David said to her, “Baby, you said you were going to give me a hug after I finished.”
She answered, “Daddy, I just wanted you to know what you have to look forward to!”

Jesus allowed us to glimpse into eternity and see the glory of His presence. He wanted us to know what we have to look forward to!

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